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NUT Issues New Strike Warning

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) has raised the prospect of further classroom disruption with a warning that an autumn ballot for strike action remains an option.

The union, which recently staged the walk out of teachers in over 8000 schools, is considering the next course of action in a disagreement over pay.

The Government's proposed pay deal would see teachers receive an increase of 2.45% this September, followed by 2.3% increases in each of the following two years. The NUT has dismissed the offer, which they argue equates to a pay cut when the price of living is taken into account.

Christine Blower, NUT acting general secretary, bluntly warned that: "An option for an autumn ballot will be given consideration."

Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, responded to NUT concerns by saying: "I believe that this three year award will enable teachers and schools to plan ahead, is fair and affordable and delivers the kind of public sector pay discipline that our economy needs at this time."

Elsewhere the University and College Union (UCU) is threatening that its members in London will take strike action on 9 June unless there is an improvement on 2.5% pay offer.